Risk factors for urinary lithiasis in a Cuban population



urolithiasis, risk factors, hyperphosphatemia, hypercalcemia


Introduction: The study of risk factors for urinary lithiasis is important for its prevention and treatment.

Objective: Identify some recognized risk factors for urinary lithiasis in a Cuban population.

Methods: A prospective, descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted from January 2020 to July 2021, as part of a research project that aims to create a risk scale for urinary lithiasis in a Cuban population. 140 patients from the south of Ciego de Ávila province were studied, whom were consulted due to urinary lithiasis. Epidemiological, clinical and other blood and urine analysis variables were described, and recognized as risk of suffering from it. The results were presented in absolute numbers and percentages.

Results: Patients ≥40 years (68.5 %), women (50.8 %), white skin (85.8 %), overweight or obese (69.2 %) with a family history of lithiasis (80.7 %) predominated. 33.6% had impaired kidney function and 16.4% had high blood glucose levels. High levels of phosphorus in the blood were observed in 70.7 %, uric acid, in 34.3 % and calcium, in 27.1 %; while magnesium figures were decreased by 43.6%. However, 30.7% and 31.4% had elevated levels of calcium and phosphorus in their urine, respectively; magnesium and urinary volumes were decreased by 57.1% and 35.7% respectively.

Conclusions: The risk factors for urinary lithiasis identified in the studied population were age, skin color, overweight, personal history of lithiasis, elevated serum phosphorus and decreased urine magnesium.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Pastoriza R, Roque Morgado M, Gonzalez León T. Risk factors for urinary lithiasis in a Cuban population. Rev. Cubana Urol. [Internet]. 2022 Feb. 8 [cited 2025 Jan. 31];11(1):25-3. Available from: https://revurologia.sld.cu/index.php/rcu/article/view/761



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