La importancia del fisioterapeuta pélvico en las disfunciones sexuales femeninas
Palabras Clave: Disfunciones sexuales, Fisioterapeuta Pélvico, Mujeres.
Female sexual dysfunctionsbroughtseriousproblems of quality of lifeforwomen and are a tabooamongthepopulation. Forshame and ignorance of boththerapist and patient, thissubjectwaslittleaddressedfor a long time butnowreappearswithprofessionalsbetterpreparedtodealwiththisproblem as physicaltherapistsspecializing in pelvicfloor. Theaimofthisreviewisto show theimportance of pelvicphysiotherapyintheresolution and qualityimprovementof life and health in womenwith sexual dysfunction.
Key Words: Sexual dysfunctions, PelvicfloorPhysicalTherapist, Women